Hanging round,...
Had a little bit a lazy day (if you don't count the work I did for the new blog you see here). But back in Tokyo I'm staying over at Yuriko's. She has a new roommate now Simon (french pronounciation) from Canada (Quebec).
I was listening to some nice music, editing the weblog, reading a little bit,... well in general I was just trying to recover a little bit. 3 weeks of travelling, trying to see everything, but at the same time trying to take your time to see everything, is sugoj (heavy). Knowing I will start working the day after I come back home, you'll know it wasn't a lost cause.
In the evening Yuriko came back from work and brought along an Irish bloke whose name I don't dare to spel out, because I'm afraid to make errors. But the guy himself is great,... we just spent the evening (and half the night) discussing and sharing our thoughts (the Irish guy, Simon, Yuriko and me) in somekind of a Jamaican bar. The Irish is travelling the world and brings along a big smile and some interesting points of view.
Well,... time is shortening, my time in Japan almoust over, but the memories will last for ever. Now I'm just glad to see my girlfriend Tinne again (miss you a lot!) and moving in to my new house (it's more like a shed, but still it's my place).
The blog here will be slumbering a little bit, but if I've got some international guests, I think I'll use it to report their trip in Belgium as well.
Peace to the world, and happyness for everybody!
I was listening to some nice music, editing the weblog, reading a little bit,... well in general I was just trying to recover a little bit. 3 weeks of travelling, trying to see everything, but at the same time trying to take your time to see everything, is sugoj (heavy). Knowing I will start working the day after I come back home, you'll know it wasn't a lost cause.
In the evening Yuriko came back from work and brought along an Irish bloke whose name I don't dare to spel out, because I'm afraid to make errors. But the guy himself is great,... we just spent the evening (and half the night) discussing and sharing our thoughts (the Irish guy, Simon, Yuriko and me) in somekind of a Jamaican bar. The Irish is travelling the world and brings along a big smile and some interesting points of view.
Well,... time is shortening, my time in Japan almoust over, but the memories will last for ever. Now I'm just glad to see my girlfriend Tinne again (miss you a lot!) and moving in to my new house (it's more like a shed, but still it's my place).
The blog here will be slumbering a little bit, but if I've got some international guests, I think I'll use it to report their trip in Belgium as well.

t'is bijna gedaan hé jongskes. Welkom thuis
Kheb met veel plezier beide blogs gevolgd en jullie avonturen als ontspanning genomen tussen blokkende uren. Als ge terug bent,jero dan zal ik u moeten claimen als vervangings-ontspanning. Maar vermits zich dat wss uit in geregeld een klimmeke doen,zal da wel oké zijn zeker :)
'watachiwa anato wo aishite imasu'
(ik hou van jou) x
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