Saturday 18/8
OK, it was a great evening yesterday, but today there was a hangover visiting. @ the festival I hung around with Lynn most of the time, and we had a great time together. We've met some crazy but utterly fun people there :) almost in the end of the evening Maren came to say hello (the girl I met on the flight from Oslo to Alta), and lucky she wrote down her e-mail for me (with a huge permanent marker on my arm) because I was already to drunk to make an intelligent conversation.

I slept in the cabin on reindeer furs, and in the morning it was like if I ate a mouse, my mouth was filled with little hairs, but the experience was worthy enough to coop with that. This was the first day I took a good breakfast, just to get my stomach at ease.

I slept in the cabin on reindeer furs, and in the morning it was like if I ate a mouse, my mouth was filled with little hairs, but the experience was worthy enough to coop with that. This was the first day I took a good breakfast, just to get my stomach at ease.
-pic: the cabin I slept in-
I also saw the opportunity to do a little laundry, so the day was well spent already. My plan was to hang the rest of the day, just to recover a bit, but even with the hangover we went for a jog today. In the evening Arnhild took us to a restaurant and bought us a dinner,... Yummy! I let Camilla choose for me, so I would end up with a Norwegian dish. (It was reindeer with mushrooms and it tasted delicious) THANKS AGAIN ARNHILD! You're the best!
After the dinner we hed back for the festival, and this evening there were even better groups than yesterday. The coolest part was that in the middle of a gig there was the northerlight that appeared in the sky. Beautiful! (I always thought it came only during the winter, but I was wrong) I've got to say it was a different festival than I've ever done. It was smaller, cheaper (for free!), less specials in effects (just plain spotlights) but the bands made up for that. There were a few groups (especially 'Austin Torpedo' and 'the Cumshots' ) that made it impossible not to join in the clapping and singing along. They really had the crowd on their hands, or maybe better, at their feet.
Finally we ended up on an after(party?)drink in a bar in Alta city. Again met a lot of interesting people, but Mai (I'll try to come to barca beautifully peacebird), who's working in the Alta-museum made the biggest impression on me. Together with Mats (a fishing-addict friend of Camilla) that is. He has seen the world, lost his heart in Alta (which I can understand) and has the most heartwarming smile I ever saw on a face with a beard.
I know this post is long, but actually it is already sundaymorning. 6 o'clock in the morning. I don't think I can fall asleep here (don't want to burn precious Norwegian daylight. I'll just take a breakfast in a few minutes, and start with the next (hopefully) adventurous day.
- pic: Camilla and Mats -
I also saw the opportunity to do a little laundry, so the day was well spent already. My plan was to hang the rest of the day, just to recover a bit, but even with the hangover we went for a jog today. In the evening Arnhild took us to a restaurant and bought us a dinner,... Yummy! I let Camilla choose for me, so I would end up with a Norwegian dish. (It was reindeer with mushrooms and it tasted delicious) THANKS AGAIN ARNHILD! You're the best!
After the dinner we hed back for the festival, and this evening there were even better groups than yesterday. The coolest part was that in the middle of a gig there was the northerlight that appeared in the sky. Beautiful! (I always thought it came only during the winter, but I was wrong) I've got to say it was a different festival than I've ever done. It was smaller, cheaper (for free!), less specials in effects (just plain spotlights) but the bands made up for that. There were a few groups (especially 'Austin Torpedo' and 'the Cumshots' ) that made it impossible not to join in the clapping and singing along. They really had the crowd on their hands, or maybe better, at their feet.

I know this post is long, but actually it is already sundaymorning. 6 o'clock in the morning. I don't think I can fall asleep here (don't want to burn precious Norwegian daylight. I'll just take a breakfast in a few minutes, and start with the next (hopefully) adventurous day.
- pic: Camilla and Mats -
Mooi, prachtig, fantastisch, ... Ik vind er geen woorden voor.
Wanneer vertrekt het volgend vliegtuig?
Dan kom ik af!
P.S.: Ons ma zegt: "MINDER DRINKEN !!!!" of kletsen op uw blote poep.
Oeie Wannes,... ik ben hier zooooooveeeeeeel toffe, lieve,coole mensen aan het tegenkomen he. Ik heb voor volgend jaar al plannen van begin tot eind.
Voorlopige opties:
- transsiberian (kan nog een beetje uitgesteld worden)
- Barcalona (een supertoffe noorse wereldburger leren kennen gisteren)
- ALTA voor een goeie dag te zeggen, dan over de noordkaap, en afkomen via finland of zweden
- Alta in de winter to do some mushing
Wat heb jij der zo nog opstaan?
Greetings from the museum... This has been an utterly long day for me and I still have 2 1/2 hours left of work. Don't these tourists ever take a day off?!!! Anyways, happy to see that you've enjoyed your stay here in Alta. Sounds like you've had a nice time. And hey, if you're ever planning to go to Barcelona don't hesitate to get in thouch. Hope you keep having a good time on your journey and keep meeting more of these nice people you mention in your blog ;o)
Take care and spread the love
Pfff ziet er allemaal ongelofelijk uit!!! Kan er maar één ding op zeggen, genieten!!
haj kroelemaatie!
ben nog eens komen piepen. :o) een hele prettige dag toegewenst! dankjewel voor de leuke verhalen over noorwegen en een extra dankjewel omdat je de wereld mooier maakt.
tsjauw boy!
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