
Tuesday 22/8 part 2

After a nice trip, which contained a busride and two ferrys, we arrived at Tromso, where I said goodbye to Mari. Before we left I called Runa, the next HC member I would be visiting, and she would come to the busstop.

The sun was shining, so I didn't mind to wait a little bit in the town dat actually is an island. After a few minutes Runa came to look for me and guided me to a student-bar "Driv" to grab a beer while learning to know eachother. There were already a few friends of hers who came by to say hello. Runa (and her friends) were so friendly to start talking English to eachother so wouldn't feel left out. Enjoying our beer, covered under some blankets because we were sitting outside, we had a beautifull overview over the water. After a while it became a little bit to cold so we headed for her place.

There were some other students awaiting our arrival. The house is situated on the end of a dead-end street, right beside the swimmingpool. So partys wouldn't be a problem there :)
After a little snack and some chatting and laughing (with the TV on the background) Truda took me out to the "Driv" again. In Norway the school just started so there was like an introduction week with all kinds of fun stuff for the students, including some groups performing there.
Once again met a whole bunch of people who gave some interesting tips and phonenumbers for the near or even long future ( even for Finland). Among the people I met there, was a Belgian exchange student from St. Kat. Waver (De Nayer: where my brother used to go to college as well)

In all the positive there was one minor point,... You know a bubble can burst by a little thing? Well my illusion bubble has burst yesterday, the illusion of Norway beeing just PERFECT. Finally I met a Norwegian I really didn't connected with. Maybe it was his kind of humor, so I can't judge him, but I didn't catch the funny part in his jokes if it was ment like that.
It is just a detail really, but if everything works out so perfectly, it really hits you in the face if you find such a little flaw in your journey. As tiny as it is.

My illusion of perfection might be gone, but my love for this country stays :)
This won't be the last time they saw me passing Norway!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jaja, en wij zitten hier weeral in de regen... Van al je verhalen, ik zou er al bijna spijt van krijgen het reizen combi werken te hebben opgegeven, maar toch maar bijna zene, we zullen wel zien wie er in november lacht, hihi.
Point being, just enjoy the moment!!!


8:03 am  

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