Friday the first of September

The scenery was indeed breath-taking. (Some of the scenes of the original Star Wars trilogy were recorded here) In the train I met an American writer, mother of 3 children who have almost the same age as me. Had a nice chat with her about life and visions. Especially about the mysterious fact that people with the same interests seem to find each other everywhere in the world.

She, her name was Sherry, read me one of her stories she wrote. An interesting tale about success and accomplishment by believing in yourselves without setting the goal you want to reach as the highest value. Mmm, I'm making it difficult. Soit, the story was nicely philosophical, and a lot of my friends would appreciate it a lot (especially tint I think 'cause it was really her style) . In September Sherry might visit me in Oignies.
In Oslo we had a little drink before saying goodbye and headed each our own direction. I had to find Christin at her work, which is a cafe - restaurant named "Kristiana". Without a clue where to find the place I went to the touristinfo. They showed me a map and note with small circles my current position and my goal. With fresh courage I started to walk towards a street filled with shops and crowded by tourists, students and bums.
I arrived where the map showed me to go: Restaurant CHristiana! A high class restaurant filled with cocky bigshots and walking make-up advertisements. Obviously not the place where I planned to go. Well no problem, lets just head back to the trainstation and ask it there... But my ears decided different. Nice vibes found their way to my brain, and draw my attention. There was some sort of Christian-hippy-house party going on. Well if you know me a bit, you know what happened next.
A few hours later, and after a few splinters of glass that nestled in my feet while I was dancing bare-footed, I continued my quest for Kristiana (the old name for Olso btw). Nobody knew where it was and I bumped into it almost by accident. It actually WAS the station, the previous station that is, but integrated in the same building. Sometimes it appears difficult to find what's just a pace away :)
Finally I got to Christin's apartment, so... Well, just check the view:
Thursday 31/8
(pic: Lotte from Germany)

Wednesday 30/8
Arrived in the morning and headed straight to the youth hostel. The hostel was, let's just say to big. It wasn't as cozy as the youth hostels I've visited before (in Japan for example). But still, a (relatively) cheap place to stay over.

Once back in the youth hostel I met a few other travelers. Fabian (France), Lotte (Germany) and Gianni (A Brazilian living in Milan). We all agreed to go for a beer in a local rock cafe where we had some nice and especially funny conversations. The weariness was still in my head I noticed, so I was glad we didn't stay too long. In the bar we were joined by other two travelers from the youth hostel, an American and a Swiss girl.
almost all of them were heading off the next day, but Lotte and Gianni would stay until the next evening so I decided to stay for one more night.
Tuesday 29/8

As I said before, nice, but not anylike the north. My backpack was stashed away in a locker in the trainstation so I went for a little walk. I went up to the fortress from where I had a nice overview over the city. Trondheim is just another western city (with a few nice wooden buildings) @ the coast. After a few hours and kilometers I ended up back @ the trainstation which was situated near the harbour.

I decided to take the nightbus to Bergen so I could have a warm, dry place again for the night and a few kilometers closer to my destination Oslo.
Travelling is nice but exhausting,... I look forward now to chill out and then head back to Belgium.
Monday 28/8

I started hitchhiking again and it went not to good. The first 2 lifts were good, but short. Took the ferry in Stordal (I think it was, I'll have to check on that later) and I was so tired that I fell asleep on the deck. Stupid thing, because I woke up just before the ferry went back to the other side. Ofcourse every car already left so I was standing there alone, no cars passing. The only thing I could think of was walking, so I did. Beautiful scenery(see pics), but a hard time for me. Two more cars stopped to help me a few kilometers further, but the last one advised me to take the bus, because there were a lot of tunnels coming up where you're unable to walk through.

Good idea! A little bit further on the road there were a lot of tunnels, and you can not walk through them,... I took the bus just up to a railwaystation (again I forgot the name, but it was in the neighborhood of Bodo) to take there the night-train to Trondheim. While I was waiting for the bus, I noticed what people ment with "wach out for the mosquitoes" but it weren't really mosquitoes like we know them in Belgium, it were more like fleas to me, but loads of them. They were really putting my patience to a test! So glad I could leave that place.
I've got to say, once I left the island (on which Harstad is situated) a lot of the flair I experienced in Norway was lost. The scenery was nice, but no longer 'WOW'. Some people were friendly, but not exactly the hospitality I felt up north.
Sunday 27/8

Had a chill day, just went for a tourist's walk with Vera. I'll be adding the pictures when I get the chance. Visited the famous (?) church in Harstad and went to a "secret" spot where the students go. A tiny Island you can access by walking 10 meters through the water(pict @ left). Beautiful!

@ Wannes: This is the night that it would happen and it did! When I went back to Vera's place the norderlight guided me back there. We ended up watching Manga series (Bleach) which was really addictive,... After the 10th episode I fell exhausted asleep.